January 15, 2025
Grow Your FFL Business

Boost Holiday Sales with the Right Ecommerce Software

The holidays are quickly approaching, and now is the time for savvy retailers to prepare for the onslaught of orders. Though we’re still a few months away from December, a reported 40% of consumers begin their holiday shopping before Halloween. In an effort to prepare, online sellers should consider enlisting an inventory and order automation software to help manage orders. Not only will it make running your business easier – it can boost sales too. Here are three ways an inventory, order and listing management software can help you win more revenue this holiday season.

Better exposure. Ecommerce management software enables you to grow your business by selling on more channels. Since inventory control software automatically indexes your sales channels and updates product quantities as a sale happens, you don’t need to worry about logging into each marketplace and website individually. With better control, you can get your products listed on more “virtual shelves.” This grants you better exposure, which leads to greater opportunity for sales. One ecomdash customer listed to 3 new sales channels upon signing up with us, and reported a 40% increase in sales as a result. On average, all ecomdash customers see a 23% increase in sales, quarter over quarter.

List more products. Inventory and order management software eliminates the need to manually track and report product quantities or order information. The 24/7 automation it provides allows retailers to focus on other growth efforts for their business. Because of the work load that inventory and order software took on, Big Daddy Guns was able to add a total of 21,000 more SKUs after signing up with ecomdash. More products listed to their sales channels means reaching a bigger, broader audience, and increasing their likelihood of winning sales. An extensive product inventory also helps Big Daddy Guns compete against other retailers.

Powerful marketing and analytics. The more advanced ecommerce management solutions will offer auxiliary tools as part of their suite-of-software. Additional services like email marketing and business reporting help drive sales and predict trends. The ability to execute email marketing campaigns for past customers helped one ecomdash user steward buyers and encourage repeat sales. Once he signed on with ecomdash, he was able to grow his eBay sales by $5000 in just two months.

A robust inventory and order management software will help you easily manage listings, control product quantities and grow holiday sales automatically. Enlist an ecommerce software that will manage the high order volume and take the burden of manual data entry off of your shoulders. What are better sales and greater control worth to you?

About the Author

Tiana Byers is the Lead Content Creator for ecomdash, an award-winning multichannel inventory software for ecommerce retailers. Ecomdash offers sellers an end-to-end ecommerce software to improve and automate workflow, including inventory and sales order management, product listing, dropshipping and shipping management, reporting and more. Ecomdash helps customers save time and money, while they grow, scale and compete online.